Valentines Day

Sooooo it’s almost that time and you don’t have a valentine for Valentines Day? ……. So what!
There are people out there who don’t have mothers for Mothers Day, or fathers for Fathers Day, or a job for Workers Day, or they even locked up on Freedom Day… So pull yourself towards yourself, get the hell over yourself and buy a couple drinks and blowup doll.



Tired of your old Job????????
Are you between 18-40 years old?
Do you have a valid SA Id?
Can u speak English and any other language?
Are you looking for an 8am-4pm job with net salary of R30,000 and a car allowance of R6000?
No working during weekends and you only get to work half-day on Fridays?
If you’re interested in this job, Please contact me:  SO WE CAN LOOK FOR IT TOGETHER!!

SuperHero or SuperZero?

SuperHero or SuperZero?

Ever wonder why all the guys lifting weights at Gym can’t stop staring at themselves in front of the mirror? Also all the funny faces they pull when lifting the weights??… Almost as if they about to shit in their pants (0.o)

“L” is for Love baybee…pssssh…yeh right #superherofail #eksemanet